Change starts with a decision.


Do you feel dissatisfied with your life? Do you have problems in your interpersonal relationships? Do you feel that your self-esteem is very low? Are there painful and/or difficult experiences in your past that still hurt or affect you? Is anxiety or depression affecting your everyday life?

Through a therapeutic process tailored to your needs, you can heal past wounds and improve your present relationships, including your relationship with yourself. You can also change the way you relate to food. As a result, you can create a much better life for yourself.

At AS Mental Health Services we accompany you in this process within a safe and confidential space, using evidence-based therapeutic models. Each person is different, so a personalized therapeutic plan is designed together with the person, so that the results are the best. Likewise, a psychological evaluation of the person is made to take them into account when making the plan.

Terapia Individual

Enfócate en ti

Nuestra terapia individual te proporcionará un espacio personalizado para abordar tus preocupaciones y desafíos emocionales. Trabajaremos juntos para desarrollar estrategias prácticas y efectivas que te permitan alcanzar tus metas y vivir una vida plena y significativa.

Terapia de Pareja

Si estás experimentando dificultades en tu relación de pareja, nuestra terapia de pareja puede ayudarte a fortalecer la comunicación, resolver conflictos y reconstruir la intimidad emocional. Te brindaremos las herramientas necesarias para construir una relación saludable y satisfactoria.

Terapia Familiar

La terapia familiar es ideal para abordar los desafíos y conflictos que puedan surgir en el seno de la familia. Trabajaremos juntos para mejorar la comunicación, fortalecer los lazos familiares y promover un ambiente de apoyo y comprensión.

black laptop computer
black laptop computer


Si tienes alguna pregunta o deseas programar una cita, no dudes en contactarnos.

man in gray dress shirt beside black desk fan
man in gray dress shirt beside black desk fan