Do you remember when you were a child, and you ate what you wanted, and you weren't worried about your body or your weight or afraid of gaining weight? Would you like to be able to enjoy food again without fear and without guilt? Do you think that's only for thin people? It's possible for you too!
Heal your relationship with food, your body and yourself
If you think you have a problem with food or your body and you suspect that you may have an eating disorder, we invite you to answer the following questionnaire:
Are you very concerned about your weight?
Do you dislike your figure?
Do you feel like your life revolves around food?
Do you go on restrictive diets or fasts?
Are you afraid of losing control or gaining weight if you eat?
Do you take pills, teas or other diet products?
Do you vomit, use laxatives and/or diuretics to avoid weight gain?
Do you exercise long hours to lose or avoid gaining weight?
Have you had episodes where you eat large amounts of food in a very short time and feel out of control?
Do you lie about how much you eat or hide it?
Have you stopped spending time with your family and friends because you know there's going to be food?
Has your way of eating generated health problems in your life and/or with your loved ones?
We can help you heal your relationship with food, your body, and yourself:
Through specialized therapy
Teaching you a healthy lifestyle
Teaching you a new way to relate to your body and food
Supporting you to take the necessary steps to have a balance in your life
Supporting you to reach your potential
We help people with eating disorders (anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorder) heal their relationship with food, their body, and themselves through specialized therapy with the best proven results. As part of this treatment, a clinical diagnosis is made through interviews and specialized questionnaires to plan an effective individualized treatment.