We help people who have been involved with toxic or narcissistic people clarify and understand the situation they are or were experiencing, learn strategies to deal with these types of people in the present and future and heal the wounds that such people may have caused in the past.
Is my partner, family member, or boss a narcissistic person?
Do you think you could be or have been in a toxic relationship or with a narcissistic person? We invite you to answer the following questionnaire:
Does this person show attitudes of feeling superior to others?
Does this person show attitudes of being entitled to what they want?
Does this person show little or no empathy towards others?
Does this person require constant validation and recognition from others?
Does this person always blame others without taking any responsibility for their actions?
Does this person have trouble regulating his/her emotions, especially during times of stress or frustration?
Has this person made you feel like you never do anything right and that he/she is never satisfied with you?
Is he/she sometimes very kind and affectionate and sometimes treats you badly?
Do you feel confused about the relationship or whether certain events happened?
Has he/she manipulated you, lied to you, coerced you to do something you don't want to do or did not respect your limits?
If you answered yes to four or more of these questions, it's very possible that you're in a relationship with a toxic or narcissistic person.
We offer support and guidance to people who have lived a relationship with a toxic or narcissistic person to understand what they went through, to heal their wounds and to create a strategy to live a better life.